- Sprint Triathlon (750/20/5)
- Relay Triathlon (3*250/3*6.5/3*1.6, with a rest)
- Relay Aquathlon (3*250/3*1.6, with a rest)
Sunday 5th June, 2016
06:30 registration for a 07:30 start
Gorey, long beach car park
Free to members, £10 non-members
Cloudy but expected to be warm (wetsuits will be compulsory)
Course Description:
Relay Triathlon
Race start: 07:30
Swim: Each competitor swims a 250m course before handing over to the next competitor in the form of a ‘high five’. All three competitors need to swim the course. Bike: Each competitor completes a 6.5km loop from transition turning left towards St Catherine’s, dead turning near Archirondel and finally back to transition. Run: Each competitor will run 2 laps of an 800m anti-clockwise course (2 laps in total) on the village green to the north of La Rue a Don.
Individual Super Sprint
Race start: 07:30
The course will also be run as an individual super sprint at the same time on the same course. The only difference being that the individuals will be completing all three sections, three times. For the bike course this will involve a dead turn after transition.
Relay Aquathlon
Race start: 07:30
The course is identical to the Relay Triathlon except that there will be no Bike leg.