What: Sprint distance triathlon (750m swim, 21k bike, 5k run)
Where: St Catherine’s Breakwater.
When: Sunday 4th June 2017. Chip and number collection from 6:45. 7:30 race start.
Who: 15+ on 31 December 2017
Cost: Members free, Non-members £15, Relay teams £30.
Register: by 12:00 Saturday 03 June 2017 at: https://race-nation.com/ana-leaf-st-catherines-tri-2017
Course Details: Swim 750m course round buoys to be set out on the morning.
Bike 21k two laps out and back to Gorey along the coast road turning at the ice cream van.
Run 5k out and back along the coast road turning just before the descent into Anne Port back around St Cat’s Rock.