Event: Ana Leaf La Pulente Intro Duathlon
Location: La Pulente dirt Car Park on east side of 5MR
Date: Sunday 21 January 2018
Distance: 2K Run/8K Bike/ 800M Run
Start Time: 08:00 (Registration between 07:15 and 07:30, Briefing at 07:50)
Entry: Register online before 12:00 noon the day before the race at https://race-nation.com/ana-leaf-la-pulente-introductory-duathlon-2018. £5 for Single entry or £10 for relay teams. Free for members.
Course: Run 1 – From the start line near the Car Park head towards Petit Port, coming down through the small wooded area and returning from the Port by the steps and back to transition. Dont worry, marshalls and signage will be there to guide you.
Bike – Out and back starting North along the 5 Mile Road and turn at the Marshalled turing point.
Run 2 – Majestically struggle around and over the sand dunes. Again, marshalls and signage will guide you.