Duathlon – St Catherine 5k/22k/3k

Race – St Catherine’s Duathlon Date – Sun 16 Feb Sign on – 7/715am Start 745am PROMPT! Distances – approx. 5k/22k/3k Whilst it is a “Seniors Race”, Junior members who are 15 or older on 31 Dec 2014 can race.  Parental consent will need to be given (via a signed declaration) on the day. The…

***Duathlon – 16 February***‏

Evening all Things are looking ‘good’ on the weather front for Sunday (but it’s all relative I guess) and the Race Committee have done an excellent job of getting everything ready (good work!).  Race details below: Race – St Catherine’s Duathlon Date – Sun 16 Feb Sign on – 7/715am Start 745am PROMPT! Distances –…

Training Weekend – Nick Saunders and Andy Brodziak

As previously mentioned, Nick Saunders and Andy Brodziak are running a training ‘weekend’ on Fiday 24th & Saturday 25th January. Lots of you have been asking about training so I suspect this will be well subscribed. Final details will be shared once we have made some further arrangements in the next few days, but the…

Training ‘weekend’ on 24 & 25 January

Evening Great efforts from juniors, seniors, marshals, organisers and Colin Hidiro in making today’s off road duathlon a massive success in treacherous weather!!  Results and report to follow. As previously mentioned, Nick Saunders and Andy Brodziak are running a training ‘weekend’ on 24 & 25 January (next weekend).  Lots of you have been asking about…

Offroad Duathlon

Happy new year! I hope you had a good festive period and are feeling fit for the season ahead…some details in advance of next weekend’s offroad duathlon! Date and Times Saturday 18 January 2014 Seniors (Age 13+): 14:00 sign on for a 14:30 start. Juniors (Age 12 and under): 12:30 sign on for a 13:00.…

Offroad Duathlon – 18 Jan 2014

Dear all Final communication ahead of Saturday’s race… Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to marshal the event – we have have sufficient numbers to guarantee safety and make sure the race actually works. Parking has been finalised and directions are on the junior’s website: http://www.juniorjerseytri.com/20.html.  There will be sign posts from St Ouen’s…