Afternoon all
Hope you are enjoying the Easter break! The Race Committe have been very busy lately – great work from them and an update on a few upcoming races below:
Jersey Pearl Duathlon
We are good to go for the Duathlon at the end of the month, details are below and Marshalling details have been sent out to those who have been allocated this race. A couple of people have asked about team entries, wich we are happy to accept on the day – please advise when registering if you aren’t doing this as a solo duathlete.
- Location – St Ouen, meet and start at Jersey Pearl car park
- Date – Sunday 27th April
- Times – registration 645am, race start 715am
- Distances – 6.5km Run/34km Bike/5km Run
- Route – see attached
- Organisers – Colin Hidrio and Nick Saunders, Nick has kindly promised a free hug to all athletes (club members only) who complete the race.
- Map – JerseyPearlDuathlon-2014-Maps.pdf
Last bit of information on tomorrow’s duathlon…
- Meet at Jersey Pearl
- Registration opens at 6:45
- Race briefing 7:00
- Long course: 6.5k run, 33k bike, 5k run
- Short course: 3.7k run, 22k bike, 2.5k run
- Long course start 7:15
- Short course start 7:20
- Non-members £10, Members free
- Helmets and road worthy bikes mandatory
- Top 10 placings all get a big cuddle from Nick Saunders (optional)
- All finishers get a small cuddle from Simon Roderick (optional)
Aquasplash Aquathon
The first aquathon of the season is also well planned. This is a pool swim (obviously – it’s flippin freezing) and some event details are below.
- Location – St Helier, Aquasplash
- Date – Sunday 11th May
- Times – registration 13:30, races start 14:00
- Distances – 400m pool swim/2.5km run
- Route – to be advised
- Organiser – Mike Osborne
- Further information –Swimmers will start in the water and will be allocated one half of a lane. Unless you swim with your chest covered you will need to put a top on in transition (sorry Minky). This is the Rennes triathlon weekend and we will try to accommodate any juniors not going to Rennes and any seniors who want a shorter swim earlier in the season, simply let us know on the day. If all participants could have an estimate for their 400m swim time, that would be helpful and we will request this closer to race day.
Introductory Tri and June Triathlon
Unfortunately due to track availability at Le Quennevais and the Festival of Cycling respectively, we had had to move both of these events to Sunday 1 June. The Introductory Tri will now be a 250m Sea Swim / 6k Bike / 1.6k Run and will then be followed by a Sprint Triathlon 750m Swim / 20k Bike / 5km Run (there will be the option of a c400m Swim instead for those who want it, please inform us at registration). The exact time and location of this event will be finalised shortly but will likely be in the morning at St Catherine’s.
June Main Event Triathlon
Can all members please start thinking about who they will nominate to marshal if they are not able to do so themselves, we will need c50 marshals for the event to run smoothly. (Whilst we are yet to share specifics on the Island Games 2015 qualifying criteria – performance in this race will form part of it so please register if you haven’t already done so).
July Relay Triathlon
We still need an organiser for this event. As a reminder, this event will be either a three person team event or can be completed by a single individual as a Sprint Distance Triathlon.
August Aquathlons
These will be held every Thursday evening in August at St Catherine’s with a prompt 18:30 start immediately after the Juniors’ race. They will be a 750m Sea Swim followed by a 5km Run. Again we need organisers for these events please so please advise if you are able to commit to this.
Don’t eat too many Easter Eggs and see you at next weekends duathlon.