Good efforts to all from the weekend. Results attached…Apologies to Howard Sharp and Taran Hase, your finishing times have been mislaid – we are on the case and will reissue results as soon as we find them!
Results: Sprint and Relay Tri 13-07-14
Thanks to Nick G, Paula T, Dougie, Vaughan, Sarah, Truusje, Glyn and everyone else who made the event happen.
Good fund raising also by Ollie Turner and Co. Perhaps coffee and cake should be a permanent post race feature…?
Watch out for an announcement shortly re the Ana Leaf Aquathlon Series which will be a number of races held in August.
Finally – Good luck to Minky, Colin H, Lisa P and Sam H who are racing IMUK this weekend. Smash it up guys and girls – good to see Minky was freshly waxed at the weekend…