Evening all
Hope all is well!
1. Please find attached the results and a brief race write up from the AWESOME 2UP Duathlon at Grosnez last weekend. Seems the tandem is the way forward, just can’t understand why the pro teams haven’t cottoned on yet…
2. Also – seems the time is right to start thinking about partytime! Christmas season is fast approaching, and we thought it would be a good excuse to get the great and the good together, for some good food and a bit (or a lot, dependant on your requirements) of drink. Lisa Porter has offered to ‘close’ the Vic in the Valley if we can muster enough numbers for the soiree.
· Date: 13th December 2014
· Time: 7pm, sit down for food at 7.30pm ‘ish’
· The Venue: The Vic in the Valley
Long suffering partners welcome – In order to gauge interest, can you reply to Matt on info@jerseytriclub.com confirming whether or not you wish to attend?
3. It’s the Durrell Dash on Sunday, would be good to see as many tri club members as possible put in an appearance to this worthwhile event.
4. Finally – don’t forget the AGM on 28 October. Kicks off at 7pm ish at the Radisson. Agenda to follow. If there’s anything you would like officially addressed, please let us know! It would be great to see a good turnout and we’ll try not to make it too stuffy!! Perhaps a drink or two in the bar afterwards?
See you soon.