Date: Sun 22nd Mar 2015
Registration: 06:45am
Start: 07:30am start (briefing 07:15am)
3 Options:
- Senior
- Junior 11+
- Junior Under 11
Organizer: Mike De Feu
Glyn Mitchell
Alasdair Gordon-Hall
Andy Hicklin
Andrew Jarrett
John Legge
Demri Mitchell (on behalf of Sam Lee)
Dougie Smith – CONFIRMED
Durrell Staff
Shona Weir
Philip Caie
Corrina ?
Claire Morin
Island Games Makers (Sarah C to confirm)
Seniors 15+ (as at 31 December 2015, if under 18 parental consent required)
Two laps of anticlockwise round the back of the park (not coming back through transition after lap 1), then three laps turning right out of the wildlife park, down towards St Martins (ie left at the white house), right towards Maufant and then right at the green houses back towards the park dead turning at the cross roads to complete two more times, then one final run lap.
MAP: Durrell Duathlon Map 2015
Members: £5 Non-members: £10
Teams of runners and cyclists welcome.
Request for our club members who are racing to also be ‘transition helpers’ on the day for new people racing for the first time.(eg show them where to go, explain what will happen during the race, ensure they put their bikes in the correct gear etc).
1.6k run/5k bike/800m
Juniors 11+ (as at 31 December 2015 parental consent required)
Run as two laps into the park and back turning at a traffic cone at the electronic gate, then two laps on the bike of the seniors’ run course (not coming back into transition after lap 1), then one final lap into the park.
Registration: From 06:45am
Start: 07:45 start (or exactly 15 minutes after seniors start)
All: £5
Juniors under 11
Various races being held in the car park from about 9:00 after the seniors have finished.
All: £2 donation.