Ana Leaf Aquathlon Race Series
What: Four races of 750m swim/4km run (300m swim option with time penalty of 15:00) best two races count towards the league
Who: Anyone aged 15 or over on 31 December 2015 (though those under 18 on race day will need a parent guardian with them).
When: Every Thursday in August register by 18:00 for a prompt start at 18:30. Note juniors will be racing over 100m/1k and 300m/2k starting at 18:00 (the latter race being available to seniors if they wish).
Where: 6th and 20th of August at St Catherine’s, 13th and 27th of August at Ouiasne (note this is a change to what was previously advertised earlier in the year, sorry. Also note that 13 August is Battle of Flowers, factor this in when travelling to Ouiasne).
Why: Each race you complete will earn you league points. You will score 50 times (the number of competitors you finish ahead of + 1)/(number of competitors) rounding fractions up. Your best two races will be used to establish your position in the league.
Cost: Free to members, non-members: £10 per race or £25 for all four.
Wear: wetsuits optional for seniors, compulsory for juniors. Swimming hat, running shoes and running top compulsory for all.