Dear Triathletes
Marshalling Duties and First Race of 2016
Thank you to all those who registered their marshalling preferences and to those who volunteered to organize a race. Attached is the current version of the 2016 Marshal List.
Please could you review and then record wherever you organize your life which races you have been allocated. There will be an email sent one to two weeks before the relevant event reminding you and confirming the final details. If circumstances change and you know you will not be able to marshal on the date allocated, please in the first instance attempt to find a replacement or try to swap with someone else (and then email with the relevant details).
There are two races currently without an organizer: the Corbiere Duathlon on 17 April and the St Catherine’s Tri on 14 August, if you would like to organize either please let us know. There are some dates which are still TBC, apologies for this, we will endeavor to get these finalized as soon as possible. Given the number of members, a few people have only been allocated one race at the moment, please understand if we approach you at a later date to fill subsequent spots.
Finally, in addition to the above, we would be very grateful if you could start to think about whether you will be racing the main event and if so who could marshal on your behalf. If there are any errors or for all other matters relating to the 2016 Marshal List, please email
The latest version of the 2016 Marshal List will be available on the club’s website.
Now onto more exciting things… the first race of 2016 will be a short (2k run/8k bike/800m run) Duathlon at La Pulente on Sunday 17th January. Tom Perchard has offered to organize and the marshals for the race are: Louise Bracken Smith, Nathan Woodland, Ailsa Main and Marc Burton. Registration will be from 07:45 in the dirt car park below the sand dunes. Racing will start at 08:15. The event will also be open to TriStars who are 13 or over on 31 December 2016. Seniors may also participate with a partner in a 2UP format. Members: free, Non-members £10.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year