Name: Tom Perchard
Age: 28
Nickname: My friend’s dad calls me ‘wigwam’
Profession: Trainee Architect
Prefer Swim, Bike or Run? Run
Average hours you train per week? 15
What bike(s) do you ride? Matt Gambles is kindly lending me his Trek TT bike for the Island Games
Favourite pre-race meal? Chicken, veg and pasta
Favourite sports person? Simon Militis
Best Tip for newbies? Have fun
Best and worst race moment? Best: Commonwealth Games last summer. Worst: Standing on something sharp in the Rennes triathlon last year.
Favourite saying or motto that you live by? Always listen to your heart… It may be on your left, but it is always right
Favourite place in Jersey? St Ouen’s beach
Have you ever peed in a pool? Yup… usually Mon, Weds and Fri
Any superstitions? Nope
You’ve split your Tri suit badly around the bum in T2. Pull out or carry on? Carry on!
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