Dear all
Hopefully you are all ship shape and raring to go now that the Tri Season is upon us. The sea is warm and the weather lovely for the races ahead of us!
Please, please, please…we are in desperate need for marshals for the Island Games event on June 28 and the Jersey-Triathlon on July 19. It is politely requested that all club members try and supply a marshal / offer to marshal at least one of the races – without your support these races are made much more difficult so please reply with a preferred race (or whether you can cover both) and contact details of a marshal.
7 June Triathlon
Spread the word! There is both a sprint and an introductory triathlon on June 7 to be held at St Catherine’s. Details below:
Sprint Distance Triathlon Race start: 7:30am
· Swim 750m (option of c400m too) two lap course round buoys to be set out on the morning.
· Bike 22k two laps out and back to Gorey turning at the ice cream van.
· Run 5k single out and back along the coast turning at a cone.
Introductory Triathlon (and Junior Tristars 2 & Tristars 3) Race start: 9:30am
· Swim 250m one lap triangular course around buoys.
· Bike 6k turning at the hill just past Anne Port
· Run 1.6k round the rock and along the breakwater and back towards transition.
Team Oscar – Media Shoot
We are working with 3D and Team Oscar (this year’s charity) to prepare a media shoot for the triathlon on July 19. There is a snazzy promotional media / photo shoot on Thursday 21 May – is there anyone from the Club who could attend? This is an opportunity to be famous (locally, for a limited period of time). Simply turn up if you are free to support this worthy charity and please let me know if you are attending – it would be good to get some club representation if you are out and about training at lunch time stop along to be part of the action.
Amnesty Freedom Cycle Ride
Sunday 24th May 2015, Start 10am, Maritime Museum. Join the Freedom Cycle Ride along a route that explores the Island’s beautiful lanes and coast – It’s a relaxed, friendly and welcoming Island event that is 20 years old, there is a route for everyone! All-island ride (70 km); Half-island ride (36 km); Family ride (10 or 20 km). This year the Freedom Ride will include a campaign to free Raif Badawi. Action cards will be available for riders to sign.
To register email:<>, tel: 859566 or simply turn up on the day!
More details:<>
That’s it for now.