Sunday – Race 1
What: St Catherine’s SPRINT TRIATHLON
Who: Seniors 15+ (as at 31 December 2015, if under 18 parental consent required)
When: Sunday 7 June, 06:45 registration, 07:15 briefing, 07:30 start (all sharp!)
Distance: Sprint – 750m Swim / 22k Bike / 5k Run
Cost: Members – free, Non-members – £10
Teams of swimmers, cyclists and runners welcome.
Sunday – Race 2
Who: 11+ (as at 31 December 2015, if under 18 parental consent required) and first time triathletes looking for some experience
When: Sunday 7 June, 09:00 registration, 09:15 briefing, 09:30 start (all sharp!)
Distance: Intro – 250m Swim / 6k Bike / 1.6k Run
Cost: Members and Non-members – Free
Thank you to the following Marshals: John Small, Jo Gorrod, Alasdair Gordon-Hall, Katie Speller, Louise Woodland, Alex Forster and Richard Sellors. We will also need approximately seven marshals to cover the Intro event @9am – is there anyone from the SPRINT Triathlon able to stay on and help cover this? PLEASE EMAIL TO CONFIRM IF YOU ARE FREE AND WILLING!