What: Ana Leaf Intro Duathlon 2k Run/8k Bike/800m Run (non-drafting)
When: Sunday 29 January 2017, 07:30 for 08:00 start (07:50 briefing)
Where: La Pulente, car park on east side of road between La Pulente and Le Braye
Who: Anyone aged 15 or over on 31 December 2017 (anyone under 18 on the day of the race will need a parent or guardian to attend)
Cost: £5 for non-members, free for members (discount code to be emailed to all registered members)
Registration: please register online at:
Please note! we are not expecting to offer registrations on the day and online registration will close at midday on Saturday 28 January.
Relay teams are welcome – if one or both relayers are members please use the appropriate discount code when registering
Weather: looking promising but cold
Race Director: Claire Kybett
Marshals: Louise Bracken-Smith, Demri Mitchell, Lisa Porter, Penny Fransisco.
Looking forward to seeing you all there.