What: Sprint distance triathlon (750m swim, 21k bike, 5.4k run) or Super Sprint (400m swim, 10k bike, 2.4k run)
Where: St Catherine’s Breakwater.
When: Sunday 6th August 2017. Chip and number collection from 6:45. 7:30 race start.
Who: Anyone 15+ on 31 December 2017
Cost: Members free, Non-members £15, Relay teams £30.
Register: by 12:00 Saturday 05 August 2017 at: https://race-nation.com/ana-leaf-st-brelades-2017 (please ignore link name)
Course Details: Sprint Distance Triathlon
Race start: 7:30am Swim 750m course round buoys to be set out on the morning.
Bike 21k two laps out and back to Gorey along coast road turning at the ice cream van.
Run 5.4k two laps from Transition run past the life boat hut along Rte de St Catherines, keep to the left hand side of the road until ready to cross. Right up Mont des Ormes along Le Grand Cotil and down Rue Du Moulin and back along Rte de St Catherine again keeping to the left hand side of the road. Round the rock and at the café either head out back past the life boat station for a second lap or back into transition after completing lap 2.
Course Details: Super Sprint Triathlon
Race start: 7:35am Swim 400m course round buoys to be set out on the morning.
Bike 10k one lap out and back to Gorey turning at the ice cream van.
Run 2.7k from Transition run past the life boat hut along Rte de St Catherines, keep to the left hand side of the road until ready to cross. Right up Mont des Ormes along Le Grand Cotil and down Rue Du Moulin and back along Rte de St Catherine again keeping to the left hand side of the road. Round the rock and at the café head into transition.