Ana Leaf Aquathlon Race Series 2017
Below are the links for the Ana Leaf August Aquathlon Series 2017. All four events will be at St Catherine’s (NOT some at Bouley Bay as previously advertised). Entry is free to members (Demri will be sending an email shortly) and £12 for non-members (or £30 for all four races). NB the series option still needs to be set up by Race Nation, but if you enter the first race and want to do the Series, I will issue you an appropriate code so you pay the same price. Adults can enter one of two races: Middle 300m swim/2km run or Long 750m swim/4km run with each starting at approximately 18:15 and 18:30 respectively. Please arrive as close to 18:00 (Thursday 3 August) as you can. We still need one person to act as Junior Race Director on 3 August and one marshal for 24 August – let me know if you can help.
Also, in part due to the swell forecast and in part due to a clash with the now moved JCA race on the Watersplash circuit we have taken the reluctant decision to move the 6 August tri to St Cats too 🙁, at least we can be (almost) guaranteed a swim.
There will be both a Sprint and Super Sprint options and both races are open to those aged 15 or over as at 31 December 2017. Entry is free to members (Demri to send email) or £15 for non-members. Relay teams of two or three people are welcome for the Sprint race. Registration will be from 06:45 and we hope to start at 07:30 and 07:35 for the Sprint and Super Sprint respectively. Minky will be your Race Director, Dougie the Assistant RD and our marshals are Adam, Pepijn, Jason, Natalie, Amanda, Dominic Maher and Thomas. Ideally we need one or two more, if you can help please let me know.
Links for Race Registration:
(ignore name in link – it will be at St Catherine’s)
That’s it from me, happy entering and happy racing – Vaughan